Capital of the province that shares its name, Malaga is the fifth most populated city in the whole of Spain. Situated in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, Malaga boasts an interesting mix of metropolitan life and relaxing beachside culture with a footing in the arts and a vibrant food scene. With its lovely mild climate, Malaga has distinguished itself as a reliable and unique destination on the Costa Del Sol

There are plenty of budget options for accommodation in Malaga offering visitors clean and comfortable places to base themselves for an exciting trip to the town.

Neighbourhoods of Malaga

Some of the must-visit neighbourhoods in Malaga include Old Town if you want to sample some traditional culture and exquisite cuisine, La Merced if you want to experience a night out with lively bars and music, and Soho if you want to experience some of the artistic culture of the city such as famous graffitied MAUS barrio.


What to see and do in Malaga

Attractions in Malaga include the iconic Teatro Romano, the Alcazaba, the Larios Monument, and the tropical Jardin Botanico. Of course, there is also a plethora of beaches in which to enjoy a relaxing day by the sea.

What to eat in Malaga

Malaga has many traditional dishes to sample, including the cold soup known as gazpacho, a medley of fried seafood known as fritura malaguena, a fresh salad known as ensalada malaguena, and a hearty winter stew known as migas.

Typical events and festivals in Malaga

If you are visiting in the run-up to Lent, then you can enjoy the annual Carnival in which celebrations are held throughout the city. In September, the city has a feast dedicated to its patron saint, Santa Maria de la Victoria. For music, the Verdial Festival in December is perfect.

How to get around in Malaga

There are many public transport links in Malaga from the EMT bus to the Metro to taxis and bike rentals. Train travel is also extremely popular, and tickets for several options can be booked through our website.

The climate in Malaga

Malaga enjoys a traditional Mediterranean climate, with the hottest month being August with temperatures of up to 80F, and the coldest month being January with a still relatively pleasant 54F. The summer season is understandably Malaga’s busiest.


More interesting facts and sights in Malaga


Malaga is one of the oldest cities in the world

Malaga has a truly glorious past. You can find multiple signs of it in the city, with fantastic ruins like the Roman Theater.

It is considered to be one of the oldest civilized cities in the whole world! Malaga was founded in 770 BC by the Phoenicians because it was greatly located between Phoenicia and Gibraltar. Its first name was Málaka.


Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga and has his work displayed there

Pablo Picasso is known all around the globe for having introduced cubism.

He was born in Malaga in 1881 and has a museum to his name today. You can visit Museo Picasso Malaga any time of the year and admire his masterpieces.

Another famous person born in Malaga, in 1960, is Spanish actor Antonio Banderas.


Malaga is an extremely sunny city

If you are visiting Malaga, it is very unlikely for you to see any rainy day at all, since there are only 50 days of rain throughout the whole year… and 300 days of sun!

Malaga is an important economic city, coming 4th in Spain

On top of being a historical, beautiful and touristic city, Malaga is very important economically.

It is the biggest economy in Andalusia and the 4th one in Spain. The most important business and economic sectors in Malaga are tourism, construction, and technology. Some other sectors like transportation and logistics are also rapidly growing.


Malaga is the sixth largest city in Spain

While Spain as a whole is a sizable country, with 47 million inhabitants and a unique culture that brings millions of visitors every year, its 10 largest cities gather almost a fourth of the whole population.

Among them, Madrid is by far the most populated one, with more than 3.2 million inhabitants. Malaga is the sixth largest one, with 569 000 inhabitants.


Malaga Airport is the third largest in Spain

Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport (AGP) is the busiest airport in Andalusia, and is very important for Spanish tourism since it is the main international airport for “Costa del Sol” (a very attractive and sunny coast in the South of Andalusia) visitors.


The original name of Malaga is “Malaka”, meaning “factory”

As I have already told you, the Phoenicians founded Malaga back in 770 BC. They were a sea-faring civilization from the Middle East.

When they arrived in what is called today Malaga, they named the area Malaka, which means “factory”. Later, industries came there, and now the city as a whole has deep factory roots.