Trains Connecting Málaga and Madrid: Ouigo, Renfe, and Iryo Schedules

Travelling between Málaga and Madrid is now easier and more affordable than ever! With over 20 daily train connections, the arrival of Ouigo, a French high-speed train company, has significantly boosted the number of routes linking the two cities. Previously, Renfe and Iryo operated the train services, but now Ouigo’s addition means a wider variety of schedules and lower prices. A round-trip that used to cost more than 100 euros can now be done for just about 50 euros.

Train Schedules Overview

Here’s a detailed look at the daily train schedules from Ouigo, Renfe, and Iryo.

Ouigo Trains

Ouigo offers two daily trains each way (from Málaga to Madrid and vice versa), operating seven days a week.

OrigenDestinoHora de salidaHora de llegadaDuraciónParadas

Renfe Trains

Renfe operates numerous trains from Málaga to Madrid (and vice versa), especially on weekdays. Below are the schedules for this route:

OrigenDestinoHora de salidaHora de llegadaDuración

Horarios de Iryo (de lunes a domingo)

OrigenDestinoHora de salidaHora de llegadaDuración

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re heading to Madrid for a weekend getaway, a business trip, or exploring the capital’s culture, these train services provide a convenient and comfortable way to travel. With multiple daily departures, competitive prices, and the choice between different train companies, you can easily find a train that suits your schedule and budget. So, book your tickets and get ready for a smooth ride between Málaga and Madrid!

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